Print YAML Header to be used for producing ESR reports.
Console output.
# Copy the output to your rmarkdown file get_yamlHeader()#> #> --- #> title: 'Report: ESR sample Ba26' #> author: 'Christoph Burow' #> date: '`r format(Sys.time())`' #> output: #> pdf_document: #> fig_height: 6 #> fig_width: 7 #> number_sections: yes #> toc: yes #> toc_depth: 6 #> html_document: #> highlight: haddock #> number_sections: yes #> theme: flatly #> title: ESR Report #> toc: yes #> toc_depth: 6 #> toc_float: yes #> params: #> delim: '<br>' #> --- #>