Render the input file to the specified out ouput format using pandoc. This is a convenient wrapper for render to produce HTML and PDF output simultaneously.

render_Report(file, output_format = c("pdf_document", "html_document"),
  backup = TRUE, ...)



character (required): Input file (R script, Rmd, or plain markdown).


character: R Markdown output format to convert to. Pass "all" to render all formats defined within the file. Pass the name of a format (e.g. "html_document") to render a single format or pass a vector of format names to render multiple formats. Alternatively you can pass an output format object; e.g. html_document(). If NULL is passed then the output format is the first one defined in the YAML metadata of the input file (defaulting to HTML if none is specified).


logical (with default): By default, any existing report files in the working folder are copied to a new folder named 'archived_reports' before overwriting the old report.


further arguments passed to render.


A compiled document is written into the output file, and the path of the output file is returned.


# NOT RUN { render_Report("~/PATH/TO/FILE.rmd") # }