Insert meta information in RMarkdown reports. Use this function within
a code chunk and make sure to set the chunk option results = 'asis'
report_Meta(x = .meta()) .meta(person = NA, date = NA, file_suffix = NA, file_path = NA)
x |
person |
date |
file_suffix |
file_path |
Text output via cat
#> **Person**: Max Mustermann #> #> **Date**: Yesterday #> #> **File suffix**: _a, _b #> #> **File path**: ~/ESR/ #>report_Meta(.meta(person = "Max Mustermann", date = "Yesterday", file_suffix = c("_a", "_b"), file_path = "~/ESR/"))#> **Person**: Max Mustermann #> #> **Date**: Yesterday #> #> **File suffix**: `_a`, `_b` #> #> **File path**: `~/ESR/` #>