

Importing a measured spectrum

spec <- read_SPE(file = "path/to/my/file.Spe")
str(spec, max.level = 2)
## Warning in readLines(file): incomplete final line found on 'C:/Users/BUROW-
## PC/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/gammaSpec/extdata/Nievenheim_DORNIE_1.spe'
## List of 10
##  $ SPEC_ID  : chr "profile"
##  $ SPEC_REM : chr [1:3] "DET# 1" "DETDESC# SFB806F2XFR digiBASE-RH SN 15121444" "AP# GammaVision Version 6.07"
##  $ DATE_MEA : chr "05/18/2016 11:55:14"
##  $ MEAS_TIM :List of 2
##   ..$ live: int 3600
##   ..$ real: int 3602
##  $ DATA     :'data.frame':   1024 obs. of  4 variables:
##   ..$ channel    : int [1:1024] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ energy     : num [1:1024] -8.26 -5.09 -1.92 1.25 4.42 ...
##   ..$ counts     : int [1:1024] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##   ..$ counts_norm: num [1:1024] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ ROI      : chr [1:3] "2" "16 27" "447 488"
##  $ PRESETS  : chr [1:3] "Live Time" "3600" "0"
##  $ ENER_FIT :List of 2
##   ..$ intercept: num -11.4
##   ..$ slope    : num 3.17
##  $ MCA_CAL  : chr [1:2] "3" "-1.142621E+001 3.169478E+000 0.000000E+000 keV"
##  $ SHAPE_CAL: chr [1:2] "3" "8.996625E+000 2.588119E-002 0.000000E+000"
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "SPE" "list"

Estimating the gamma dose rate

##  [calc_DoseRate()]
##  Estimated external wet gamma dose rate (including cosmic dose rate):
##  0.884 ± 0.069