A synthetic data set of 210Pb activity per units of depth below surface. See example on how the data was generated.


A data.frame with two with two columns:

depth below surface (cm)
210Pb activity (Bq/kg)


## How the data was generated # a0 = 100 Bq/kg # s = 0.5 cm/a Pb <- data.frame(depth = seq(0, 30, length.out = 20), activity = jitter( 100 * exp(-0.03114 / 0.5 * seq(0, 30, length.out = 20)), factor = 15)) ## Use example data data(Pb, envir = environment()) r <- calc_SedimentationRate(x = Pb)
#> Equation: activity ~ 100.288 * exp((0.03114/0.512) * depth)
#> Sedimentation rate: 0.512 ± 0.013 cm/a